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Along The Way BLOG - Interviews

Ange Releases her First Single & I Shot the Cover.



A few weeks back I shot a beautiful and talented musician called Ange. It was a half day shoot and we travelled around Sydney to capture the perfect image for her debut single. We shot at Sydney Opera House, in a carpark under Sydney Opera House and in the Western Suburbs where there were colourful walls and a cool urban vibe.

For this mini-series I sat down with Ange and asked her a few questions about her journey as a musician.



How many songs have you launched like this before?

This is my debut single! I have recorded covers before and shared snippets of demos on Instagram but it’s the first time I release an original song finally. I’m so excited!

Why do you create music?

Music is something very spontaneous for me. It’s how I best communicate my emotions. I never planned it, I didn’t even study it formally. For me music doesn’t come from the mind, it comes from the soul and it’s a very special reflection of who I am and of all the great artists I’ve listened to since I was young. Music is like meditation for me. It’s how I stay present and excited about every day.


What’s your creative process? 

It’s very intuitive and organic; I don’t like to force things. I usually start writing the music. I jam something on the piano or start with a beat and then I play around with different melodies. I really enjoy experimenting at the beginning to open up new ideas and then pick a concept, what I want to say and focus on developing it.

Have you got any tips for musicians who want to get their music out there? 

My advice is to just do it, start today. When you are starting it’s easy to feel unsure about your work, think it’s not ready or be afraid to fail. I (still) feel the same many times… but I have realised that you learn by doing. The earlier you start, the sooner you get better; things take time and persistence is key.

Have you got a manager to help with this launch or are you DIY? 

I am very lucky to have an amazing team of friends that support my art! I just signed management with an incredible woman and friend and I can’t wait to start this new journey and give it all I got. 

How hard is it finding the confidence to release a song like this? 

It’s always hard! Confidence is something I’ve had to work on. We all make excuses for things we think we can’t do or that seem too hard… I realised that if I stop myself before anyone stops me than I’m not giving myself many chances. I guess the best way to have confidence is to not have any fears and to love yourself and your music before anyone has a say. 

How long have you been singing for? 

I started when I was very little maybe 6 or 7. I was obsessed with music TV shows and 90’s pop divas and used to record myself singing in cassettes all the time. I was shy so it took a while for my parents to realise. Then at 16 I started playing in covers bands with friends at school and haven’t stopped since then.

What’s been the best part of your shoot today? 

If I have to pick only one I’d probably say the Opera House location. I didn’t have it in my first plans but it turned out to be magical. It was such a beautiful and freeing space. Funny because there are always a lot of people around but still, found it easy to remove myself from that and be me. It was so fun and Penny is amazing and made it sooo easy!

What do you hope for with the release of this single? 

I hope it gets to as many people as possible that will enjoy it and hopefully connect to it. The song talks about standing up for the things that aren’t right and shouldn’t happen. It’s a song about frustration but also about hope and believing that things can change both inside and outside of us.
